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Release Date: May 21st, 2012

Review Date: March 31st, 2016

Reviewer: Mel

After Porn Ends

After Porn Ends is your unconventional documentary about what happens to porn stars once they've left the industry. 


Who are porn stars?

Where did they come from?

Are they normal people? 


These are common themes of After Porn Ends, as porn stars narrate the documentary, and answer these questions directly. The script is obviously controlled and organized by questions from an outside source and interviewer, however are open ended; this gives porn stars the aility to tell their own stories and state their own opinions about their experience and the sex industry. 


After Porn Ends includes a variety of different sex workers, who've engaged in pornography, which portrays a diverse set of experiences. Although the majority of sex workers in the documentary are white, one asian is included. The sex workers are porn stars, strippers, prostitutes, a pornography historian, and a writer. Furthermore, the documentary also includes dialogue and opinion from a UCLA professor who studies pornography. After Porn Ends gives porn stars the opportunity to answer questions about paost experiences, and challenge misconceptions and generalizations of sex workers and the pornography industry.  


Individuals such as the pornography historian, the writer, and the UCLA professor have certain stereotypes and ideas about the sex industry, pornography, and pornstars, in which they refer to them as trapped in the industry, and not capable of other skills or professions. Past sex workers such as Asian and Raylene challenge the misconception by proving that they are capable of other profressions and talents such as real estate, for Raylene, and qualifying for Mensa, for Asia. 


The documentary, After Porn Ends, gives a voice to sex workers directly. Sex workers narrate their own life experiences which challenges views and acknowledges diversity of the sex industry, and the type of indivuals who engage in the work. 


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In regards to safe sex practices the porn stars did not give any indication that sex was unsafe. Mary Carey, a porn star who engaged in heterosexal sex made sure that condoms were being used. Misconceptions about unsafe sex were made by the public during the AIDS epidemic. Richard Pacheco, a male pornstar, was shamed by his wife and family because he continued to work regardless of the scare and misconception about the transmission of AIDS. 



Individuals who worked in the sex industry as pornstars, prostitutes, or strippers used teh specific titles to identify who tehy were in the sex industry. Individuals, who were not directly involved in the sex work, such as the pornography historian and the writer, used more aggressive language and victimized the porn stars by stating "Hookers are hookers" and "whores." Furthermore, porn stars such as Randy West recognized that charities did not accept donations from pornstars; this suggests that outsiders sitgmatize sex work and pornography. Sex workers, such as Asia Carrera and Houston, had been dismissed from jobs outside of the industry which suggests that there is an stigma towards them. Luke Ford, the writer recognizes the porn industry and dehumanizing. 



In a more subtle way, the documentary depicts sex workers as diverse, normal, and comparable to the general demographics and population. No two sex workers interviewed are similar in any way. Although, the majority of sex workers in the documentary were white, cis gendered, and heterosexual, their experiences in the industry differed. 



The documentary actually suggests that there are no actual facts about pornstars and sex work. Sex workers coem from all different backgrounds, have different skills and talents, enter the industry for various reason, and have different experiences within the industry. Although facts about sex workers have been debunked sex workers are still stigmatized in society. 


Type: Porn stars, in the documentary, are portrayed with different personalities and images that were authentic and exclusive to them. No two sex workers wer the same in regards to image. Unfortuneatly stereotypes by outsiders were recognized by the sex workers. For example, sex workers understood the stigma around the industry. Individuals who did no engage in pornography, directly, such as the porn historian and the writer stated stereotypes about the industry and victimizaiton towards the sex workers, suggesting that they were trapped in the profession regardless of whether they chose to leave or not


Overall SWIFT Rating: 

After Porn Ends gets a higher rating due to the control sex workers suggest to have in telling their own stories in experiences in the industry. Although the majority of sex workers in the documentary were white, After Porn Ends offers a diverse enogh cast in regards to different backgrounds and opinions. 







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