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Silencing the White Noise

Examples of  Media Outlets that are Utilizing Sex Worker's own voices

In an eloquent form, Buzzfeed's "I'm a Sex Worker, But I'm Not.." aims to destigmatize stereotypes of sex workers and industry realities based upon the ancedotal and personal accounts of the interviewees - the interviewees are sex workers. This video is highly informative and provides a factual and experiential insight into the realm of sex work. Parts 1 & 2 below.

The WhoreCast, founded by Siouxsie Q - who was recently feautred in Buzzfeed's video "I'm A Sex Worker, But I'm Not..." - is a podcast and enterprise primarily dedicated to the lives of people in the sexual work domain by "sharing [the] stories, art, and voices of American sex workers" (The WhoreCast, 2015).


Acting as a counter-discourse, the WhoreCast aims to humanize sex workers and assess the social inequalities and stigmatization that sex workers face.  

Tits and Sass is a blog run by and for sex workers. It is a safe space where sex workers discuss sex workers culture, media misrepresentations, and anything else that they feel necessary to bring to light. The blog utilizes wit, humor, and even memes to discuss relevant topics about sex work including the ways in which sex workers are trivialized online and in popular media.

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